Attention: All Website Owners, Bloggers and Facebook Marketers
This Software Will 100% Automate Your Facebook Marketing & Help You Grow
REAL, Targeted FANS to Any
Fanpage in under 2 minutes...
100% Autopilot Software
Setup to go in 2 minutes
Guaranteed 100% Real Targeted Fans
AUTO Posts Content to Fanpages - Text, Images, Links and Videos!
Works for Fanpages in ANY NICHE. Hands-Free!
Massive Time Saver + Beta Tester Approved.
Join Thousands Of Happy Customers & Grow Your Fanpages on 100% Autopilot...
YES! Now You Can Get 100% Real, Targeted Fans... FOR FREE!
Dear Online Marketer,
When it comes to Facebook Automation, Fan Automation is PROVEN to be the best in the business.
It does everything you could ever want from Facebook Automation...
Get 100s of NEW REAL FANS Every Week
Huge VIRAL Organic REACH for all your posts
Auto Content Curation - Links, Images, Videos
ALL within ONE AMAZING PLUGIN With NO NEED To Create a Facebook App
You see we know growing Fanpages manually is hard work.
Marketers tried their hand with word-of-mouth marketing... FAILED!
They bought a shiny new Facebook Ads course and spent $100+ in ad campaigns but never saw that money again... BIG FAIL.
Did you know how expensive it is to get 100% REAL Fans on Facebook?
Growing a Fanpage to 10,000+ TARGETED fans can cost you a lot of money.
Sometimes it can be as much as $500+ for just a few thousand fans (we learnt that after a few costly campaigns)
The fact is, Facebook has a ton of traffic and we all want a piece of that action.
We want 1000s of LEADS that will convert into sales.
So how about having something 100x BETTER than our manual about we AUTOMATE your Facebook marketing for you?
That's why we've created the ULTIMATE SOLUTION for you...
Fan Automater
100% AUTOMATE Your Facebook Marketing
Run Fanpages In Any Niche On Autopilot
Get The Help You Need Getting REAL Facebook Fans For Your Business
Want results like these?
Now You Can Get Unlimited Fans + Automated Content For Any Fan Page You Have...

Imagine getting 100s of new Fans everyday, with just a few minutes work.

Imagine having all your Fanpages on COMPLETE Autopilot.

Imagine being able to take your content VIRAL...AUTOMATICALLY.

Imagine spending seconds (instead of HOURS) setting up your fanpage campaign.

Think of getting free social TRAFFIC direct to your Wordpress site from Facebook

Imagine making more and more money from your fanpages with almost no work

What would it feel like to be able to get 100s of comments on every post on your Fanpage?
Never Struggle To Grow Your Fan Pages Again....

No more running ads on Facebook to get LIKES and FANS.

No need to worry about how to get your fans to visit your website.

No more posting CONTENT manually to keep your fanpages FRESH.

Never again you will have to spend money to get fans.

No more stress about getting poor fanpage reach.

No more having to hire Virtual Assistants to do meaningless tasks for you.

No life-draining tech skills required to make this work for you.
Using Fan Automater is as EASY AS 1-2-3...
After you install and activate it like a normal wordpress plugin, you can get it going in just 3 simple steps...
Step 1 : Add a Campaign
Simple create a new campaign and select your Fanpage that you want to automate,
Step 2 : Enter some content sources for your fanpage posts
You need content for your fanpage, so choose any combination of blogs, feeds, youtube channels you want so your fans will get interesting new content every day.
Step 3 : Setup some viral enagement messages for your page
Fan Automater ramps up your ORGANIC REACH and VIRAL ENGAGEMENTS with this feature.
Fan Automater then AUTOMATICALLY goes to work and starts getting you
It's Time to STOP Doing Everything Manually & Use Fan Automater to Run Your Fanpages on Complete Autopilot with 100% REAL FANS...
Simple two Minute Setup
No complicated setup. Get Your fully automated Fanpage up and running in under 2 minutes.
No NEED to create a Facebook app
Never again do you need to submit an app for review or worry about Facebook shutting down your app. Fan Automater works by replicating what you would do manually in your browser, and then automates it for you!
Over the Shoulder Quick Start Training Videos
The training that we're including with this software is very step by step and easy to follow so that you aren't scratching your head wondering what to do next.
Fully Scalable and Repeatable
Want to install on multiple sites, repeat and scale your setup over and over again using this software? Grab the unlimited sites license and go right ahead..
100% Newbie Friendly
We really built this plugin with the intention of allowing anyone (yes, ANYONE) to use this software and start getting unlimited fans automatically. Just watch our videos and in minutes you are ready to launch your campaign..
Hurry up to get this facebook fan automator...
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